Hello beautiful people! Wow, I am amazed on how far things have come for me. I've changed schools, moved states and started a new journey here in Charlotte, North Carolina. Growing up I primarily lived in a white community. I went to a majority white high school and felt completely uncomfortable where I was and who I was. Although around discomfort, it never stopped me from doing things I enjoy. I love to create whether it's photography, writing, designing. I love the gift of expression and allowing yourself the space to be yourself. I'm a big thrift shopper and I must say I spend a lot of time doing so. Thrift shopping gives me so much freedom to wear clothing that you don't normally see in stores. I like things that are different whether it's a design or a pattern on shirt. That's the best part of thrifting to me! In general, I'm a very relaxed, calm, and peaceful person. It takes a lot for me to get mad or upset. Normally, I just go with the flow of things, but don't get me wrong, I will stand up for myself when I have to. Overall, there's more important things in life than to wallow in the negativity. Some don't know this, but I split my faith between being a baptist and a buddhist. It's something I don't express as much, but if you ask me I'm always willing to talk to you about it. I'm a big travel goer, whether it's going out of state or hiking around state parks. Traveling is one interest I hope to do after college, such as going to visit developing countries and helping out in any kind of way. Animals are another thing that make me really happy. I love all kinds of animals, no matter the size, species, etc, except spiders or bees. I can't stand spiders and I'm allergic to bees. Another interesting thing I do is I regularly workout. I do yoga, meditation, and lots of running. Along with working out, it's important to not only workout, but to have a good diet, which brings me to this. I'm a vegetarian. I have my reasons for being vegetarian and I didn't start becoming a vegetarian until the summer of 2017. Before I was off and on, mainly because I would eat bacon, but I've come to a conclusion that it's not for me. While art was a big part of my life, sports also played a major role in my life, but you'll find out more about that a little later!

My life has changed dramatically. It's safe to say I enjoy myself and all the connections I've made so far with my peers. Johnson C. Smith University has not only made me a better person, but has shaped me into what I hope to be. I'm so excited to announce my first blog for you all. I've tried time and time again to start my website and I wasn't sure if I was capable enough to do all the things I dreamt of.

Well people, I'm happy to say my goals are now becoming plans! This video is a video introduction about myself, what I like and how my childhood consisted of. I hope everyone enjoys and remember to keep living out your dreams and aspirations! (Click the photo to watch my video introduction)

–Tyler J.