Time to let go of the negativity, the baggage, and the hurt. The new year is coming and for me it's all about positivity, enlightenment, and change. I've learned from my mistakes of loving the wrong people, helping the wrong people, and fighting for the wrong people. I've learned that you can't change the past, but all you can do is grow and learn for it. I let too many people influence me. I gave to the wrong people, and it cost me so much in the end, but scars are meant to heal. Now, it wasn't all negative, but things could've been more positive. I can't say I'm perfect, or even near perfect. I've made decisions I'm not proud of and I have to answer to those decisions. The only way you can let yourself fall is if you don't try to catch yourself. In order to find yourself, you have to lose yourself and what you thought you knew in order to be rebuilt to become happier, stronger, and wiser. Sometimes you are more important than others and it's not selfish to work on yourself before bringing others into your life. I've learned to let things go that weren't meant for me. I know a higher power has a path for me and if I focus on anything negative upon myself or others, it's only going to hurt me in the long run. Let go of those people, let go of the past, live in the now. You're present, and here, so live the moment! I'm excited to see where opportunities may take me, and what my future will look like.

This semester I learned a lot about myself and other people. I learned what I like in others and what I dislike in others. I had an amazing time finding out those things and getting the chance to do the things I love at a higher level. My goals this year are in the process and I'm starting to rephrase 'my goals' as 'my plans'. If its a plan, it's not a fantasy. It then becomes an objective and a task that you must complete! My plans are working on my collaborations with businesses and people in photography. Next, I would love to do a fellowship or internship that I'm interested in, whether it's working with cameras, social media, networking or even children. You have to give back to the children and the community! Finally, I want to set out to go to graduate school and hopefully find a job that makes me the happiest. It's not about the money. It's not about the business. It's about the love that you have for others, yourself and the people around you. I've never been the type to do something that didn't make me happy for all the glory and materialistic things. Life is more than that, and your happiness is more than that.

This year, I stuck to some of my new year's resolutions, such as properly dieting, working out daily, and eating healthier. I didn't know I'd become a full vegetarian for the last resolution, but I did, lol. Some of my resolutions were hard to do, but I always give my all and do my best to stick to it. One resolution that didn't quite go so well was not loving those who didn't love me. I believe in love. I believe in peace. I believe in energy. If the world were a nicer, and more tolerate place, it would have the potential to be a better place, but that's not the case sometimes. This year, not even this year but all the time, I plan to have positive, loving, caring and ambitious people around me. That's my resolution! (along with all the other resolutions that deal with my physical and mental health). Also, a little bonus resolution is to continue to grow with my faith in God and peace. If you have peace, no amount of darkness can affect you! Have a great new year and remember to live with enjoyment and with a purpose!