Lex Brown, such a chill, fun, yet sassy individual. When I first met her, I instantly clicked with her because of her personal experiences and shyness which resonated with me and my personality. She can be shy, but once she opens up she is super fun and always lit! I was extremely excited when she asked me to shoot her birthday photos, like "me" you asked "me" lol. I was pleased and thanked her so much for even giving me this opportunity to capture her moments of stepping out of her teen years into independence. I wasn't sure if I was even capable of doing this because I didn't want to mess up or embarrass her in anyway. But, I quickly got over my fear and decided to do my best! She, I and others ended up loving the photos and I was super excited to share these photos on Instagram, Snapchat and now my website. I even did a video blog about this experience and it ended up looking great! This was probably one of my favorite shoots as far as something fun and relaxing to just walk around the city and capture candid moments. At first I was a little tricky because of the fact that everyone that day seem to be taking pictures, whether it was a birthday, a wedding, or even an engagement. Even with all the challenges, we managed to have amazing photos to go along with the memories.

20's are a very special time in your life, so when I asked her what she's looking forward to being 20 and all, her response was totally me and that was finding a companion to share more life moments like this with! I completely agree with you on that! Lex Brown is someone I will definitely keeping around because of her compassion towards others, her great personality, and her ability to be herself completely and fully. (To watch the vlog on Lex's birthday photoshoot, click the image above!)